A group owner and members can get a list of members of the group with the getMemberList(_:)
method. This method will return a list of KiiUser instances representing group members.
Note that the KiiUser
instance returned by the method only contains the ID
. Execute the refreshSynchronous()
method to get the user's latest information from Kii Cloud.
If the returned user is different from the logged-in user, available user information is limited. For more information, see User Attributes .
Here's an example:
// Get a list of members of the group.
guard let members = try ? group . getMemberListSynchronous () as! [ KiiUser ] else {
// Handle the error.
for user in members {
do {
// Refresh the member to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
try user . refreshSynchronous ()
} catch let error as NSError {
// Handle the error.
// Do something.
// Get a list of members of the group.
group . getMemberList { ( group , members , error ) -> Void in
if error != nil {
// Handle the error.
// Create a dispatch queue to which blocks can be submitted.
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue ( label : "com.kii.serial" , attributes : [])
for obj in members ! {
let user = obj as! KiiUser
// Submit a block for asynchronous execution on the dispatch queue.
serialQueue . async ( execute : {
do {
// Refresh the member to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
try user . refreshSynchronous ()
} catch let error as NSError {
// Handle the error.
// Do something.
NSError * error ;
// Get a list of members of the group.
NSArray * members = [ group getMemberListSynchronous : & error ];
if ( error != nil ) {
// Handle the error.
return ;
for ( KiiUser * user in members ) {
// Refresh the member to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
[ user refreshSynchronous : & error ];
if ( error != nil ) {
// Handle the error.
return ;
// Do something.
// Get a list of members of the group.
[ group getMemberListWithBlock : ^ ( KiiGroup * group , NSArray * members , NSError * error ) {
if ( error != nil ) {
// Handle the error.
return ;
// Create a dispatch queue to which blocks can be submitted.
dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create ( "com.kii.serial" , DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL );
for ( KiiUser * user in members ) {
// Submit a block for asynchronous execution on the dispatch queue.
dispatch_async ( serialQueue , ^ {
// Refresh the member to retrieve the latest data from Kii Cloud.
[ user refreshSynchronous : & error ];
if ( error != nil ) {
// Handle the error.
return ;
// Do something.