Uploading an Object Body

Here is an example of uploading an object body in the group bucket at once.

curl -v -X PUT \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
  "https://api-jp.kii.com/api/apps/{APP_ID}/groups/{GROUP_ID}/buckets/{BUCKET_ID}/objects/{OBJECT_ID}/body" \
  -d '___RAW_TEXT_COMES_HERE___'

Make sure to set the proper value in the "Content-Type" header (the value will be returned when you later download the object body).

Kii Cloud will return a 200 response like the following example:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: nginx/1.0.15
< Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 08:12:18 GMT
< Content-Type: application/vnd.kii.ObjectBodyUpdateResponse+json;charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: keep-alive
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Last-Modified: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 08:12:18 GMT
< ETag: "9p772yxe175mndroxs2qazqw7"
  "modifiedAt" : 1376899938214