Create a Certificate

Let us create an Apple Push Notification service certificate on the Apple Developer website. This certificate is necessary for push notification.

Configuring a certificate

Log in to the Apple Developer website.

Go to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" page. Under "Identifiers" in the list on the left of the page, select "App IDs".

The App ID of the mobile app created in this tutorial is displayed if it was successfully built in Xcode.

Select the build identifier specified in the tutorial project from the list. Click "XC com example KiiPushTest" because we have specified com.example.KiiPushTest earlier when creating the project.

The details of the selected ID is displayed. Click the "Edit" button to start configuring push notification.

Scroll down the page to find the disabled "Push Notifications" option. Enable it and then click the "Create Certificate" button in the "Development SSL Certificate" section.

Caution: This tutorial uses a development SSL certificate for testing. When you release your mobile app, create a production SSL certificate instead and follow the steps below.

Creating a certificate signing request (CSR)

The instruction from Apple is displayed in the web browser as below. Follow the instruction on the local machine.

Launch Keychain Access on your machine. You can find it in /Applications/Utilities with the Finder.

Choose "Keychain Access" > "Certificate Assistant" > "Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority".

Enter information for your certificate as below:

  • User Email Address: Enter your email address.
  • Common Name: Enter Kii Push Test Push Certificate for this tutorial.
  • Request is: Choose "Saved to disk".

Click the "Continue" button.

Save the CSR file to your local machine.

Now you completed the steps instructed on the Apple Developer website.

Getting a certificate

Go back to the web browser. To move to the next page, click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the instruction page for creating a CSR.

The page to upload the CSR file opens. Click the "Choose File" button to upload the CSR file that you saved on your local machine. Click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page after you select the CSR file.

The page below opens after the upload completes. On this page, download your certificate. Open the certificate file on your local machine.

The downloaded certificate is displayed in the "My Certificate" section in Keychain Access.

Watch the "Expires" column for your certificate in this screen. Your mobile app in production will suddenly stop receiving push notifications if you do not renew the certificate before the expiration date in this column.
Kii recommends scheduling the renewal of your certificate in advance by setting a scheduler or reminder.

Keep Keychain Access open. Now you can close the web browser.

Let us move to the next step: Upload the Certificate to Kii Cloud.

<< Create an iOS App Upload the Certificate to Kii Cloud >>