Thing の取得と保存/復元

Thing は 識別子 として Thing ベンダーが割り当てた ID(vendorThingID)と Kii Cloud が発行した ID(thingID)を持ちます。Thing はこれらのいずれかの識別子を使って取得できます。

また、一旦取得した Thing は Bundle に保存することで、後にアクティビティが新たに起動した際に復元できます。

Thing の取得と保存

vendorThingID を指定して Thing を取得

以下、Kii Cloud 上で作成済みの Thing を vendorThingID 指定で取得する例を挙げます。


  • try {
      // Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
      KiiThing thing = KiiThing.loadWithVendorThingID("rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS");
      // Create a bundle and save the thing.
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putParcelable("my_thing", thing);
    } catch (AppException e) {
      // Handle the error.
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
    KiiThing.loadWithVendorThingID("rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS", new KiiCallback<KiiThing>() {
      public void onComplete(KiiThing result, Exception e) {
        if (e != null) {
          // Handle the error.
        // Create a bundle and save the thing.
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putParcelable("my_thing", thing);

この例では、後に復元を行うために Thing を Bundle に保存しています。Thing のインスタンスは Parcelable を実装しているため Bundle に保存することができます。復元方法については こちら を参照してください。



  • let thing : KiiThing
      // Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
      thing = try KiiThing.loadSynchronous(withVendorThingID: "rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS")
    }catch(let error as NSError){
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
    KiiThing.load(withVendorThingID: "rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS") { (thing , error) -> Void in
      if error != nil {
        // Handle the error.


  • NSError* error = nil;
    // Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
    KiiThing* thing = [KiiThing loadSynchronousWithVendorThingID:@"rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS"
    if (error != nil) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
    [KiiThing loadWithVendorThingID:@"rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS"
                              block:^(KiiThing *thing, NSError *error) {
      if (error != nil) {
        // Handle the error.


// Instantiate a thing by vendor thing ID.
KiiThing.loadWithVendorThingID("rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS", {
  success: function(thing) {
    // Do something.
  failure: function(error) {
    // Handle the error.

thingID を指定して Thing を取得

以下、Kii Cloud 上で作成済みの Thing を thingID 指定で取得する例を挙げます。


  • try {
      // Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
      KiiThing thing = KiiThing.loadWithThingID("78924c8vy2984298vvc2");
        // Create a bundle and save the thing.
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putParcelable("my_thing", thing);
    } catch (AppException e) {
      // Handle the error.
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
    KiiThing.loadWithThingID("78924c8vy2984298vvc2", new KiiCallback<KiiThing>() {
      public void onComplete(KiiThing result, Exception e) {
        if (e != null) {
          // Handle the error.
        // Create a bundle and save the thing.
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putParcelable("my_thing", thing);

この例では、後に復元を行うために Thing を Bundle に保存しています。Thing のインスタンスは Parcelable を実装しているため Bundle に保存することができます。復元方法については こちら を参照してください。



  • let thing : KiiThing
      // Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
      thing = try KiiThing.loadSynchronous(withThingID: "th.rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS")
    }catch(let error as NSError){
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
    KiiThing.load(withThingID: "th.rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS") { (thing , error) -> Void in
      if error != nil {
        // Handle the error.


  • NSError* error = nil;
    // Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
    KiiThing* thing = [KiiThing loadSynchronousWithThingID:@"th.rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS"
    if (error != nil) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
    [KiiThing loadWithThingID:@"th.rBnvSPOXBDF9r29GJeGS"
                        block:^(KiiThing *thing, NSError *error) {
      if (error != nil) {
        // Handle the error.


// Instantiate a thing by thing ID.
KiiThing.loadWithThingID("78924c8vy2984298vvc2", {
  success: function(thing) {
    // Do something.
  failure: function(error) {
    // Handle the error.

自分がオーナーになっている Thing の一覧を取得

ログイン中のユーザー、またはログイン中のユーザーがメンバーのグループがオーナーになっている Thing の一覧を取得する例を挙げます。下記の例はこの条件に該当する Thing をすべて取得しますが、KiiThingQuery クラスの setThingType() メソッドなどを使うと Thing タイプでフィルターすることができます。


  • // Get the current user.
    KiiUser user = KiiUser.getCurrentUser();
    // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
    KiiThingQuery query = new KiiThingQuery(user, user.memberOfGroups());
    // Query things.
    KiiThingQueryResult result = KiiThing.query(query);
    List<KiiThing> things = result.getResult();
    for (KiiThing thing : things) {
      // Do something.
  • // Get the current user.
    KiiUser user = KiiUser.getCurrentUser();
    // Get a list of groups that the current user is a member of.
    user.memberOfGroups(new KiiUserCallBack() {
      public void onMemberOfGroupsCompleted(int token, KiiUser user, List<KiiGroup> groupList, Exception exception) {
        if (exception != null) {
          // Handle the error.
        // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
        KiiThingQuery query = new KiiThingQuery(user, groupList);
        // Query things.
        KiiThing.query(query, new KiiCallback<KiiThingQueryResult>() {
          public void onComplete(KiiThingQueryResult result, Exception e) {
            List<KiiThing> things = result.getResult();
            for (KiiThing thing : things) {
              // Do something.

検索結果の処理方法は KiiObject の検索 と同じです。必要に応じてページネーションの処理を行います。



  • // Get the current user.
    let user : KiiUser = KiiUser.current()!
      // Get a list of groups that the current user is a member of.
      let groups = try user.memberOfGroupsSynchronous() as! [KiiGroup]
      // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
      let query = KiiThingQuery(user, groups: groups)
      // Query things.
      let queryResult = try KiiThing.querySynchronous(query)
      for thing in queryResult.results! {
        // Do something.
    }catch(let error as NSError){
      // Handle the error.
  • // Get a list of groups that the current user is a member of.
    KiiUser.current()?.memberOfGroups({ (user, groups , error) in
      // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
      let query = KiiThingQuery(user, groups: (groups as! [KiiGroup]))
      // Query things.
      KiiThing.query(query, block: { (queryResult, query, error) in
        if error != nil {
          // Handle the error.
        for thing in queryResult.results! {
          // Do something.


  • NSError* error = nil;
    // Get the current user.
    KiiUser* user = [KiiUser currentUser];
    // Get a list of groups that the current user is a member of.
    NSArray* groups = [user memberOfGroupsSynchronous:&error];
    // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
    KiiThingQuery* query = [KiiThingQuery thingQuery:user groups:groups];
    // Query things.
    KiiThingQueryResult* queryResult = [KiiThing querySynchronous:query error:&error];
    NSArray<KiiThing * > * results = queryResult.results;
    for(KiiThing * thing in results ){
      // Do something.
  • // Get the current user.
    KiiUser *user = [KiiUser currentUser];
    // Get a list of groups that the current user is a member of.
    [user memberOfGroupsWithBlock:^(KiiUser * _Nonnull user, NSArray * _Nullable groups, NSError * _Nullable error) {
      // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
      KiiThingQuery* query = [KiiThingQuery thingQuery:user groups:groups];
      // Query things.
      [KiiThing query:query block:^(KiiThingQueryResult * _Nullable queryResult, KiiThingQuery * _Nullable query, NSError * _Nullable error) {
        NSArray<KiiThing * > * results = queryResult.results;
        for(KiiThing * thing in results ){
          // Do something.


// Get a list of groups that the current user is a member of.
  success: function(user, groupList) {
    // Create a query for things owned by the current user or the groups that the current user is a member of.
    var query = KiiThingQuery.thingQuery(user, groupList);

    // Query things.
    KiiThing.executeQuery(query, {
      success: function(result) {
        var resultSet = result.getResult();
        for(var i = 0; i < resultSet.length; i++) {
          var thing = resultSet[i];
          // Do something.
        if (result.hasNext()) {
          // Get the next page of the result.
            success: function(result) {
              // Handle the next page of the result.
              var resultSet = result.getResult();
            failure: function(err) {
              // Handle the error.
      failure: function(err) {
        // Handle the error.
  failure: function(theUser, errorString) {
    // Handle the error.

Thing のリフレッシュ

以下、サーバーから最新の Thing の情報を取得して、KiiThing インスタンスに反映するサンプルコードです。

loadWithVendorThingID() メソッドや loadWithThingID() メソッドを使って作成した KiiThing インスタンスには、すでに最新の情報が反映されているため、この処理を実行する必要はありません。


  • // Instantiate a thing.
    KiiThing thing = ...
    try {
      // Refresh the thing.
    } catch (AppException e) {
      // Handle the error.
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing.
    KiiThing thing = ...
    // Refresh the thing.
    thing.refresh(new KiiCallback<KiiThing>() {
      public void onComplete(KiiThing result, Exception e) {
        if (e != null) {
          // Handle the error.



  • // Instantiate a thing.
    let thing = ... : KiiThing
      // Refresh the thing.
      try thing.refreshSynchronous()
    }catch(let error as NSError){
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing.
    let thing = ... : KiiThing
    // Refresh the thing.
    thing.refresh() { (thing, error) -> Void in
      if error != nil {
        // Handle the error.


  • // Instantiate a thing.
    KiiThing *thing = ...;
    NSError *error = nil;
    // Refresh the thing.
    [thing refreshSynchronous:&error];
    if (error != nil) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Instantiate a thing.
    KiiThing *thing = ...;
    // Refresh the thing.
    thing refresh:^(KiiThing *thing, NSError *error) {
      if (error != nil) {
        // Handle the error.


// Instantiate a thing.
var thing = ...;

// Refresh the thing.
  success: function(thing) {
    // Do something.
  failure: function(error) {
    // Handle the error.

Thing の復元(Android のみ)

以下、Bundle に保存していた Thing を復元し、Kii Cloud 上にある最新の状態に更新するサンプルコードです。


  • try {
      // Restore a thing from a bundle.
      KiiThing thing = (KiiThing)bundle.getParcelable("my_thing");
      // Refresh the thing.
    } catch (AppException e) {
      // Handle the error.
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Handle the error.
  • // Restore a thing from a bundle.
    KiiThing thing = (KiiThing)bundle.getParcelable("my_thing");
    // Refresh the thing.
    thing.refresh(new KiiCallback<KiiThing>() {
      public void onComplete(KiiThing result, Exception e) {
        if (e != null) {
          // Handle the error.


  1. Bundle から保存していた Thing のインスタンスを取得します。
  2. refresh メソッドを実行して Kii Cloud より最新の Thing を取得します。