Changes in the developer portal behavior (2023.10.19)

Thank you for using Kii Cloud.

For the following metrics, it will now take some time for the latest values to be reflected.

  • The following metrics shown in the Dashboard.
    • "Transition of the number of the registered application users"
    • "Transition of the number of the saved objects"
    • "Transition of the number of the registered things" (available only if you have enabled "IoT mode" in the Lab)
  • "Transition of the number of registered users" shown when User Console is launched.
  • "Transition of the number of the saved objects" shown when Data Browser is launched.
  • "Transition of the number of the registered things" shown when Thing Console is launched.

Scheduled date of behavior change

2023/10/19 00:00 UTC (The date and time may change)

We appreciate your understanding regarding the change in behavior.

Thank you for your continuous support of Kii Cloud.