Hello Kii for JavaScript

Hello Kii for JavaScript is a sample Web app which is based on JavaScript. You can run the app without change by opening the index.html file on a file system of a local PC or on a Web server.


The purpose of the Hello Kii application is to give you a quick understanding of how to leverage Kii Cloud. Therefore, Hello Kii implementation does not depend on any specific framework but realizes features by manipulating DOM (Document Object Model) directly with JavaScript.

Nowadays, you would rarely implement full-scale Web apps without frameworks or libraries. It is recommended to start to build your mobile app after you choose the best frameworks for the app.

Hello Kii has several limitations due to its simple implementation. This tutorial guides you those limitations.

Implementing an HTML5 App

The Kii Cloud SDK for JavaScript basically assumes your Web app is developed according to the implementation methods for HTML5 apps, though you can use the SDK in various supported ways.

The general implementation model of HTML5 apps is outlined below:

Difference from the Three-tier Application Model

HTML5 apps process presentation and business logic on the client-side like native mobile apps.

So far, Web app developments have used the three-tier application model. The client-side handles input and output on the presentation layer while the server-side realizes business logic on the application layer and data store on the data layer. With this model, it has been standard to process data based on business logic and generate HTML pages on the server.

On the other hand, it has been getting more common to process both input/output and business logic on the client-side in recent Web apps. Advance of mechanisms to modularize libraries and frameworks on the client-side has removed confusions in implementation and distribution. Also, rich and light user experience is expected. These elements have facilitated this change.

You will implement Web apps with Kii Cloud mainly on the client-side. Kii Cloud has server extension which allows processing on the server-side but it is supplemental. Basic implementation methods complete processing on the client-side.

Single Page Application

HTML5 apps realize page transitions by switching the contents of one HTML page.

Legacy Web apps realized page transitions by switching entire HTML pages with features such as <a> tag.

HTML5 apps realize page transitions by partially switching the contents of one base HTML page with technologies such as AJAX. This realizes light user experience which is similar to that of native apps. Page transition can be easily realized as many frameworks support partial update of the base page.

The Kii Cloud SDK assumes the single page application model. In particular, note that internal information such as login state will be lost after switching the entire page.


The tutorial covers the following contents: